2023년 2월 9일 목요일

The distorted will opened his eyes

The distorted will opened his eyes There was a darkness spreading around him

I heard voices in the dark.

What will you be?

It sounds like it's coming from afar and it's coming from right in front of you.
It was a bad voice The distorted will laughed and answered

I'll be myself!

What are you?

I don't know!

Will it be something you don't know?

People don't know if they're going to succeed or fail, but they're going to work. People--
I don't know if my lover loves me or hates me, but I love him!
People don't know what's going to happen to their children, but they do have children.
I do not know what will happen in a moment, but I live calmly.
I don't know who I am, but I will be myself.

Are you separate from yourself?

No, I am who I am. I just don't know who I am, okay?

What are you?

It's a distorted will

What are you?

Rikvon Cheg!

What are you?

I am who I am!

The distorted will closed his eyes Something stroked his whole body Like the wind
It was a strange feeling that was like a prayer and a wave. After a while, in the dark again
I heard voices.
by 리태김

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